How to Output to HTML

Blackmagic and Megarip allow you to output jobs as HTML files for easy remote viewing, for example, if you wanted to allow a client to see the final job.

It is important to note, the colours of the job will be different as this is output to a webpage or HTML document, not to a printer with high resolution and colour management in place.

Media Configuration

  1. Create a new Media datatype with the Output driver as HTML (Web Page).
  2. Set your Resolution and Colourspace as RGB.
  3. Edit the Custom Settings to configure the JPEG quality and website link (if any) to appear beneath the job on the HTML page. Edit the View options as desired. Options include Single Page or 2 Page Spread. Please note: 2 Page Spread can only be used when in Duplexing Mode (Output).
  4. Choose the ICC profile for the Output (Monitor) and save the Media.

Output Configuration

  1. Create a new Output datatype.
  2. Select the Output driver HTML (Web Page) in the Queue panel.
  3. Select the Destination for the HTML files, for example, Local Folder.
  4. The Collation Method must be set to Duplexing if you have selected View as 2 Page Spread in the Media (see above steps).
  5. Save the Output configuration.

Pagesetup Configuration

  1. Create a new Pagesetup datatype.
  2. Select the Output and Media created above for the HTML output.
  3. Configure any other settings as required, including colour management and/or effects.
  4. Enter sheet dimensions to control the output size of the JPG used in the HTML document for large images.
  5. Save the Pagesetup.

You are now ready to submit a job.

  1. Select Submit > Files.
  2. Choose your job and click OK.
  3. Select the Media and Pagesetup for the HTML output and click Submit.
  4. Your job will be processed and HTML file output to the configured destination, along with JPG file/s.
  5. To view the web page, open the HTML file generated by double-clicking on it.
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