How to Import a Signature

  1. Select Signature Group in the Workbench datatypes list.
  2. Create a new Signature Group via File menu > New.
  3. Right click with the mouse and select Import Signatures.
  4. Navigate to locate the signature files. Select one or more files to import and click Open.
  5. Make adjustments as necessary to the signature and Save.

Below is a list of adjustments and tips on how to achieve them:

Rotate all Signatures 90 degrees:

  1. Select the Signatures tab
  2. Select all signatures
  3. Choose 90 degrees rotation
  4. Save

Adjust the plate attributes to all Signatures:

  1. Select the Signatures tab
  2. Select all signatures
  3. Choose Use Plate and enter the values as desired
  4. Save

Change the head position on all pages on all Signatures:

  1. Select the Signatures tab
  2. Select all signatures
  3. Set the page head in the desired direction
  4. Save

Pair all pages horizontally on all Signatures:

  1. Ensure all pages have the same page head direction and size that you wish to pair
  2. Select the Signatures tab
  3. Select all signatures
  4. Select Pair Pages Horizontally
  5. Save

Close page numbers so they are sequential:

  1. Select all signatures
  2. Click the Close Page Number Gaps button
  3. Save
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