Serendipity Blackmagic /Megarip / Veripress were affected by a Sentinel dongle driver incompatibility that prevented the Server from running on Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
A new driver compatible Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9 and 10.8.5 has been released. This driver will ship with all Serendipity product versions from 6.0.01 and above.
Current El Capitan users with previous versions of the Sentinel dongle driver should follow these steps to install the new driver:-
1. Download the zip folder containing the driver from our FTP site here: Download
2. Unzip the folder, then run the enclosed SentinelSystemDriver.pkg file. The Sentinel System Driver 7.5.4 installer will install the driver and request a system Restart.
3. Restart your Mac.
Blackmagic / Megarip / Veripress should now run correctly.
CPU optimisation for the dongle driver
We noted the dongle driver provided by Sentinel performs an unnecessary repeating CPU task in the background. Those users wishing to optimise their CPU usage can open a terminal window and enter a command to permanently disable this task as follows:-
- Open a Terminal window in Mac OS X, by navigating to /Applications/Utilities (or by clicking on the Desktop and typing cmd+shift+U), then double-click the Terminal program icon.
- At the Terminal prompt, type:-
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.safenet.sentinel.kext.plist
- Hit return, then enter an admin password at the Password: prompt, then return.
- Close the Terminal window, then restart your Mac.