Media Catalogue – downloading, creating and modifying Media

Media Catalogue is an integrated feature that allows Serendipity Blackmagic / Megarip 6.0+ users to access Serendipity Software’s online database of Media configurations.

HowTo Use Media Catalogue Video

Media can be downloaded and added to the Workbench database; used to modify an existing Pagesetup; or to create a new Pagesetup/Media/Output configuration.

The feature is accessed via the Serendipity Client > Help menu:-

Downloading Media to the Workbench Database

Create New and Modify options are presented on the front page of the Media Catalogue interface:-

Choosing either option will take the user to the online Media Catalogue:-

Use the Output Driver… button to choose your printer model from the list of Serendipity supported printer drivers. Details about the Media, including colour space and custom settings, along with a description of the print media itself, are listed on the right of the Chooser window.

If Media are available for your printer model, select one from list and click Next.

Create New

If Create New was selected, the Next button takes the user to this panel:-

The new Pagesetup can be renamed, or left with the default name matching the downloaded Media.

The Pagesetup and Media can then be linked with an existing Output (printer), or a new Output can be created, renamed, and connected via to a bonjour printer, or another destination at a later time.

A warning symbol will display next to the Media if a Media of the same name already exists in the database, or if the Pagesetup or Output are renamed to match an existing item.

Click the Create button to add the new Media, Pagesetup and Output to the Workbench database.


If Modify was selectedthe Next button takes the user to this panel:-

Use the Pagesetup: drop-down menu to select which of the compatible Pagesetups in the Workbench database is to be Modified.

A warning symbol will display next to the Media if a Media of the same name already exists in the database, or if no Pagesetup compatible with the downloaded Media exists in the database. In this case the Create option should be used.

Click the Modify button to assign the new Media to the selected Pagesetup.


NOTE – the Serendipity Software online Media Catalogue database will expand over time as we, and our dealers provide more pre-configured Media for new and existing printer and paper combinations.

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